Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Shortcut Keys in Visual Studio Editor

Some Useful Visual Studio shortcut keys

I would like to share some on the shortcut keys that are available in visual studio that will be very useful for the developers for fast codeing. I have segregated them into different parts.

VS Tools and Explore Bars (Windows) Related

Solution ExplorerCtrl +W, S 
Server ExplorerCtrl + W, L
Error ListCtrl + W, E
Output WindowCtrl + W, O
Property WindowCtrl + W, P
Tool BoxCtrl + W, X

Code File Related 

Comment SelectionCtrl +E, C or Ctrl + K, C 
Uncomment SelectionCtrl + E, U or Ctrl + K, U
Format DocumentCtrl + E, D
Make UPPERCASECtrl + Shit, U
Make lowercaseCtrl + U
Place BookmarkCtrl + B + E
Clear BookmarkCtrl + B + C
Toggle BookmarkCtrl + B + T
Previous BookmarkCtrl + B + P
Next BookmarkCtrl + B + N

Project Related 

Add New ClassShift + Alt + C
Add New ItemCtrl + Shift + A
Add Existing ItemShift + Alt + A

I use these shortcuts daily in my coding life and makes my life easy and fast to code. Hope this will effect your coding life and i would like to hear your feedback on this and please suggest if you have any. 

Your feedbacks are warmly welcomed.

Happy Coding :)